Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Next Step: Journy to Paid Surveys!

So what next? Well I explored and explored and found that you could actually make money taking surveys!

I also found that if you have to pay for a list of surveys you are being scammed! Now Im not saying that every site that asks to pay for the database of surveys is a scam but most are scammy if you know what I mean. I made the mistake of purchasing Survey Scout. Then I realized that it was just a list of free paid survey sites! Sure it included a list of actual online companies that offered actual employment but the list seemed outdated. It gave great tips on taking online surveys but was it worth the $40? NO WAY! So I asked for a refund and got it! They refunded my money and I came away with more and more knowledge.

You see after browsing all the survey sites listed I realized almost all of them had that little link on their site called Affiliates! Wow! SO Survey Scout was charging people $40 to access a list of sites that if you signed up for them using Survey Scout they would make more money on that! GENIOUS! But why are they charging? They are charging because #1. They can and #2 They throw in a few extra reading materials to go along with it!

So as with everything I do I learned from it. What did I learn?

#1. Paid Survey sites offer a list of survey sites that you can sign up for
#2. Most Free Paid Survey Sites have Affiliate Programs
#3. I did join a few of the survey sites and have made a few bucks on them. So I learned that you can make money taking Free Surveys and Filling out offers online. You wont make a killing but you can make a few extra bucks.

You can go to for my FREE list of paid surveys! You dont have to register at my site and you get top quality FREE Paid survey sites! If you are looking for a small source of extra income with very little effort the can show you how! Sure I make a few bucks when you register for the survey sites on my page... but you dont spend anything and now you can refer people also! How nice!

But the question still lingers for me! How can I make more online! How can I earn a living online! More to come.

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